Tyto - DCUO Census and more


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Please be sure to read the notes at the bottom before purchasing.Tyto is every Android owners unoffi...

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Please be sure to read the notes at the bottom before purchasing.Tyto is every Android owners unofficial DCUO companion app. View your hero, villain or league and get advice on how to hit the next tier as quickly as possible!
Tyto has been designed to put every character and league of DC Universe Online into the palm of your hand. Do a search for your toon or league and get near-realtime* information on currently equipped items, what mods youre packing, what your Equipped Combat Rating** is and how your stats are looking.
Got your toon to level 30 and you want to climb the tiers? Swipe across to the Advice tab where Tyto will give you advice on what to upgrade and how. Advice is prioritised to help you spent as few Marks and Symbols as possible so you can climb the tiers as quickly as possible***!
Main Features
Search for any character on any server• See the character and all their gear• View details on the individual items of gear equipped to the character• See the characters Combat Rating and Equipped Combat Rating• View the characters base stats and Skill Points• View the characters Powers type, Origin and morality/alignment• See which league the character is in• See the characters last known location• Save characters to your Favourites list, then pull all your Favourites into view with one button tap• Create and share Tyto QR codes of your characters• Scan Tyto QR codes with in-built QR scanning**** to view characters
Search for any league on any server• View the leagues entire roster• See how many members the roster has• See the morality/alignment of the league• See who the leagues leader is
Tyto will work on phones and tablets but has been primarily designed for phones.
Permissions explained:CAMERA (used in the QR scanner)READ EXTERNAL STORAGE (used for QR code sharing)WRITE EXTERNAL STORAGE (used for saving QR codes)
*All information is pulled from the games server. The information on the server refreshes every 5 minutes or so and is beyond the control of Tyto and BrainByte Ltd. This includes character images, equipped gear, stats, feat information and so on. Please see the below note for more information.
**Due to the available data being managed by Daybreak Games, Tyto is only able to provide information if Daybreak is providing it via their census API. Daybreak are in no way affiliated with Tyto or with BrainByte Ltd. As such, BrainByte Ltd are unable to directly manage census data; likewise Daybreak are not responsible for ensuring Tyto is functional. With that said, Tyto has been designed to do everything it can to deal with data not being available. This means some functionality will be limited in situations where census data is not available in whole or in part. For example, if a toon has gear which is not in the census, upgrade advice will not be offered on any gear, as the advice would be compromised.
***At this time, Tyto is designed with PvE in mind only. It will return information for PvP gear, but advice on increasing PvP Combat Rating is not offered. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure Tyto offers you sound advice, any advice offered by Tyto should be taken at the users discretion. Tyto takes no responsibility for any loss of in-game currency (for example, if Tyto advises you buy an item and then a higher level item drops in your next alert).
****QR functionality powered by Zxing.